Employee File - Security

This screen is used to specify an employee security level, and to store a password which can be used to protect any email payslips sent to this employee. You can also specify whether the employee have the ability to perform a remote login.

Open the Employee File.

How to access the Security screen 

  1. Once the employee file is open, select the Employee Name on the left.
  2. Click the Security tab on the right.
  3. Complete the following information as required:
Field Explanation Wizard
Employee Level This is part of payroll (not HR3 payroll Lite) security settings. It is used to define the groups of employees that a user can access. For more details, see Security for Users in Administrators Information. Enter a value between 0 (zero - no security) and 9 (highest security). Each payroll user is given a corresponding User Level from one (1) to (9), and can only see those employees with an equal or lower access level.
Assigned Security Group By default this will be blank for all employees. This means they are not part of any Security Group and therefore no associated restrictions will apply to them.
If required, select one of the Security Groups (defined via Maintain Company Details | Security Groups), and the employee will be assigned to that group. Where applicable, access restrictions which apply to this Security Group will therefore include this employee.
HR3Kiosk If this employee will be allowed to remotely log in to payroll via HR3's kiosk module, then tick this box. Otherwise leave it unchecked. Remote login is required for the kiosk module. Contact HR3 directly for more information. Step 3 of the Employee Creation Wizard - "Personal Details"
External section
Kiosk Profile Security Profiles are created in kiosk. (See HR3's kiosk Access and Security for information on this topic.)
This field will display the Profile that has been applied to this employee, either through kiosk or the Employee Creation Wizard.
Employee Password A password specified here will be automatically applied to each payslip emailed from the payrun to this employee. This is also used to gain access to the kiosk module. You may enter up to 10 characters in any combination of a-z and 0-9. Please note that the password is case sensitive.
Password Question In the event that an employee forgets their password, this question will be used to retrieve it. The employee must answer the question correctly and the password will then be displayed. This feature is used in conjunction with the kiosk module. It is important that the password question selected is not generally known.
Password Answer When asked the password question specified above, the employee must provide this answer before they can be given their password.
Show Password This button is inactive by default. It becomes active (enabling the password to be displayed as actual text) if the current HR3pay User has this security privilege. This is set by the system Administrator (see Security for Users).

These two settings are used to co-ordinate payroll employees with details stored in an external web service, e.g. a Human Resources personnel database. This option is not available with payroll Lite.

Publish to web services When the HR system requests all employee data, tick this box if details of this employee are to be included in the transmission. Step 3 of the Employee Creation Wizard - "Personal Details"
External section
Active in external system If the employee is active in the external system, tick this box. Not all employees will be active, e.g. the HR system would not normally be concerned with casual employees, but would keep active records on full-time employees.
If required you may assign a different approver for each of the three Workflow Types: Timesheets, Expenses, and Leave Requests. Once you have added the approver details for the first Workflow Type, click Add New to specify the approver details for the next Workflow Type. Continue until all Workflow Types are completed.
Workflow Type Select the appropriate option for this entry: Timesheets, Expenses, Leave Requests.
Approver Type Select one of the four available options:
  1. Department (Employee’s Default Department Approver)
  2. Immediate (Employee’s Immediate Supervisor)
  3. Designated (Any Workflow Approver)
  4. Position (Any Workflow Position with single incumbent)

The content/availability of the columns to the right will depend on the Approver Type option you select. If you choose Immediate, the details in the remaining columns will be completed automatically, and are not editable.
Position When you select Position as the Approver type, you must then select the approving position from this column.
Identifier If Identifiers are in use for Positions (HR | Positions | Position node), the associated Identifier will be shown here.
Approver Depending on the Approver Type you selected, you will either need to select an Approver name, or this will be auto-filled.
WFA Description These Workflow Approver details will be completed automatically, depending on the Position/Approver specified.
WFA Company
Timeclock If you are using the Timeclock function, enter an identifier number for this employee.